of Directors
Committee Officers
Sam Whitsman
Murph Mathiot
John P. Eck, Sr.
Nadine Liberatore
Terry Truman
Committee Members
Bryce Bilyeu
Roy Brown, III
Peyton Deterding
Sean Dickerson
Mark Frech
Andrew Harby
Desi Harris
Steve Kaufmann
Karleen Langhein
Dawn Phillips
Jim Ruppert
Tim Toricelli
Blake Turner
Tanker Wade
Michael Witsman
We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
The Capital Area Sports Commission is a sales and support organization that promotes amateur athletics in Illinois’ capital area. We will emphasize our extensive athletic facilities and our world class Abraham Lincoln attractions in our affordable and family friendly atmosphere. In doing so, we will enhance economic growth, athletic opportunities and quality of life for the area.
Our Vision
To position the capital area as a premier host city for amateur athletics.